Permanent designers

Room04 -Rejja Bags

I am Andrea Berta, the visionary, designer, and creator behind the REJJA brand. My specialty lies primarily in handbags and their accessories. I personally handle every detail from start to finish. My material stock is constantly changing, so my products are made in limited quantities and to order.

I began my work inspired by a sudden creative impulse, although I have always been surrounded by craftsmanship. Even as a child, I was passionate about such things and was a regular attendee of craft clubs, growing up with a mother who also sewed.

In terms of education, I graduated as a women's clothing maker and then earned a degree in light industry engineering with a focus on leather at the Technical College of Light Industry. I worked in my field for a long time as a bag designer/modeler, then took a break from the profession.

Then, after 10 years, I rediscovered my calling and decided to start creating again. Textile remains my great love, now often combined with textile leather and a new, even greater passion: lace.

"If you find a job you love, you will never have to work a day in your life."

— Confucius