Permanent designers

Room04 - gabolinoArt

Gabriella Engelhardt-Marosy, the designer of GabolinoArt, shares with us


The story actually traces back to my little girl's lost comfort toy. When my daughter, who was about 9 months old at the time, and I were out for a walk, her beloved "Nyunyinak" (as she later called it) went missing.

After that, her sleep noticeably became more restless, so I decided I needed to find a replacement comfort toy. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, I couldn't find anything that could match the original, so I decided I had to sew one myself.

Since I didn't have a sewing machine at the time, I made it by hand, but it still brought immense joy to my little girl.

Needless to say, this was enough to unleash my creativity, and I suddenly had an overwhelming number of ideas for things I wanted to make for my family. I bought a sewing machine and spent all my free time learning, sewing, experimenting, and discovering.

I enjoyed it immensely, and even better, my children enthusiastically welcomed the new, special playmates I made for them. This sparked the idea that I wanted to create toys that would bring smiles to the faces of many more children. So, at first, my repertoire included dolls and plush toys.


I taught myself to sew, but over time, I continued to educate myself through various forums. After trying my hand at different projects, I finally found myself captivated by the world of bags.

I love unique, feminine accessories, and for me, bags fall into this category.

It's important that their colors harmonize with our souls. I always strive for practicality and it’s very important to me that the bags I make can be used for many years. That's why I place great emphasis on choosing high-quality, environmentally friendly materials that also contribute to the creation of sustainable bags.

Bags, as accessories, are essential in a woman's life. I know that although there is a huge selection, it can still be difficult to find that one piece that feels like it was made for you. I want to help you with that!

My goal is to help you truly express yourself through my bags and accessories, providing you with joy, satisfaction, and an added experience when you wear them.

minél több gyerkőcnek szeretnék egy arcukra mosolyt csaló, kreatív kis pajtást készíteni. Így először babák és plüssök szerepeltek a repertoáromban.